Designed for soft-tissue surgery. the ceramic soft tissue trimmer bur is a rotary instrument that can be used as an alternative to using scalpel, electro-surgery and surgical blades. Using the tissue trimmer provides minimum bleeding. The bio - compatible hard oxide points are made to cut tissue without burning.
1) For Contouring of gingiva for cosmetics.
2) For Contouring of inflamed gingival soft tissue.
3) For widening of the sulcus for fixed prosthodontic impression.
4) Exposing deep cervical caries.
5) Operculectomy.
6) Recovering intraosseous implants.
7) Exposing partially erupted wisdom/ fractured teeth.
8) Excising granulation tissue.
9) Crown lengthening
Other advantages:
- Doesn't wear off (only cuts soft tissue!)
- Very fast and effective
- No/Minimal bleeding