The DG 16 was designed by Dr. David Green in 1951, who was from upstate New York. The instrument was designed in its present form because a straight explorer and a cow horn (#23) explorer did not enable the Endodontist to locate a vast majority of canal orifices, especially in the posterior teeth.
Endodontic Explorer DG 16 is double ended with the working end being longer than the regular explorer to reach the opening of the canals.
1) Enables to better determine canal orifices.
2) Determine the angle of the canal orifice as the canal exits apically from the chamber.
3) Helps to pierce within the orifice of narrowing canal without simultaneously blocking it with collagen or "dentin mud".
4) To determine the apical exit and the angulation of the canal at the exitfor retro prep and filling during periodical surgeries.