The spoon excavators are made in pairs with the blade of one curved to the right and the other to the left. The cutting edge is ground to a semi-circular bevel and sharpened to a thin edge. The direction of the blades makes the instruments lateral cutting instruments. The endodontic excavators have a much longer offset from the long axis of the instruments for better reach inside constricted pulp chambers than regular dental spoons. The sharpness of the excavators should be checked periodically and maintained for their efficient use in different scenarios mentioned below.
1) As a caries debrider.
2) As a debris scrapper.
3) Burnish dead soft matrix bands with the flat end especially interproximally.
4) As a cord packer.
5) Flat end to burnish the restoration, bioceramic material.
6) In deep marginal elevation, for teflon tuck.
7) It removes excess overgrowth like pulpal/gingival polyps.
8) In pulpotomy procedures.
9) To clear diffuse large pulp stones.
10) To evaluate the roof during deroofing the pulp chamber.
11) To remove temporary crown.
12) To clean up cement lining on the inner surface of the crown.
13) In periapical/periodontal surgical curettage.